Bid farewell to the days of oversized bags because these mini-me's are the new it accessory. Whether worn over the shoulder or slung across, messenger bag style, even with its size it truly makes a statement. They're so fun and easy to carry the only downside is if you carry a whole lot of things to everyday. They're not as pricey as their big versions but they are still quite expensive, so if you have the extra budget to buy an "errands" or "mall" bag then go you should totally go for it!
1. Proenza Schouler messenger bag
2. Prada mini saffiano
3. Chloe Marcie mini
4. Alexander Wang mini Rocco
5. Phillip Lim Pashli mini
6. Celine nano luggage
1. Proenza Schouler messenger bag
2. Prada mini saffiano
3. Chloe Marcie mini
4. Alexander Wang mini Rocco
5. Phillip Lim Pashli mini
6. Celine nano luggage